On 4 April 2018, as the 10,000th PANEUM visitor, Erntraud Leblhuber was welcomed with a bouquet of flowers and the book "6,000 Years of Bread".
Officially opened in early October 2017, the PANEUM – Wunderkammer of Bread today welcomed its 10,000th visitor. PANEUM founder Peter Augendopler thanked Erntraud Leblhuber for the "round visit" by presenting her with a bouquet of spring flowers. The 86-year-old came from Linz-Urfahr with her daughter, Monika. For the enthusiastic museum visitor, a tour of the PANEUM has been a "heartfelt wish" since autumn. Today, taking advantage of the perfect weather, Mrs. Leblhuber and her daughter travelled to Asten by public transport.
In addition to the colourful flowers, Peter Augendopler and his daughter, Regina Augendopler, also presented the special visitor with the book "6,000 Years of Bread”, which was reissued as a PANEUM edition. “We are extremely pleased about the great interest in the PANEUM and the wonderful topic of bread," says Peter Augendopler. “The contrasting combination of millennia-old stories about bread and pioneering architecture is very well received by the visitors.”
Home: The PANEUM – Wunderkammer of Bread happily received its 10,000th visitor: PANEUM founder Peter Augendopler and his daughter, Regina Augendopler, thanked Erntraud Leblhuber (centre) and Monika Leblhuber (left) for the "round visit".