On 6 December 2017 at 5pm Elisabeth Sefcik-Arnreiter’s picture book, The Sunken City, with illustrations by Christine Schwab, will be presented in the PANEUM.
On Saint Nicholas’ Day, publisher and painter Wolfgang Maxlmoser will read from the book “Die versunkene Stadt” (The Sunken City), which appears on “Verlag am Rande”. The story: “A poor boy comes from far away to a magnificent city. Where could he be from? Only the boy knows. His ways in the story are shrouded in mystery. No one wants to help him because he has no money. The city and its rich people sink in a flood of sadness. Will anyone come and rescue them from its depths?”
The author of the book is Elisabeth Sefcik-Arnreiter, who was a teacher in Upper Austria and Vienna and has worked as a lecturer at various educational institutions. The illustrator of the book, Christine Schwab, lives and works as an artist in Tillysburg, St. Florian. Musical accompaniment is provided by Helmut Trawöger (transverse flute).
Wednesday, 6 December 2017
Entry 16h30, Start 17h00
PANEUM – Wunderkammer des Brotes
Kornspitzstrasse 1, 4481 Asten
Free admission followed by a tour.
Please register with Jürgen Reimann by 4 December 2017 at juergen.reimann@paneum.at or 07224 8821 346
Elisabeth Sefcik-Arnreiter, Christine Schwab
ISBN: 978-3-903190-06-1, 1st Edition December 2017
Hard cover, thread bound 52 pages, EUR 22,00
Available in bookstores and at www.verlag-am-rande.at