All great things start small
On 9 October 2017 the PANEUM – Wunderkammer des Brotes opens its doors. It all began with a small figure from the second half of the 18th century…
All great things start small. This is, quite literally, true of the collection in the PANEUM, since its very first object is a small porcelain figure of a confectioner from Meissen, collected in the late 1980s. In the first months, the figure from the second half of the 18th century remained alone, but in the years that followed it was joined by hundreds of pieces of faience, paintings, guild mugs, grain mummies, toy cars and many other objects to do with bread.
Even if one wouldn’t think so by looking at the small porcelain confectioner, it became the basis for the backaldrin collection, which today includes more than 15,000 objects. From 9 October 2017, 1200 exhibits from this collection spanning 9000 years and numerous books can be seen in the PANEUM – Wunderkammer des Brotes.